Gum / Gingival Treatment
In gum treatments performed with laser, all foreign materials and tissues around the tooth are cleaned without interventional surgical procedures. The natural state of tissue biology is provided. The laser stimulates coagulation of the blood that fills the cavity of the angularly dissolving bone around the tooth and the body is enabled to form bone by transforming the clot. Thus, there is no need to perform advanced surgical procedures and there is no need to use foreign materials such as bone dust from the outside.
Plaque formed by food residues accumulating in the surrounding tooth tissues turns into tartar in time and forms suitable nests for bacteria. These bacteria also cause inflammation around the tooth. Over time, with the effect of inflammation, bone begins to resorb and over time, there is dental calculus formation in this area under the gum. Bacteria that settle here cause more bone resorption. With the classical method, these stones and bacteria under the gums must be curetted (scraped) with hand tools or, in deeper bone resorption, to surgically clean and place bone dust. However, thanks to the developing technology, it is possible to perform this procedure without surgery with Lightwalker / WPT double wavelength laser treatment.
Deep Gingival Cleaning with Laser:
Frenulum, muscle tissues can cause gum recessions by limiting aesthetic procedures. However, it can even cause gaps between teeth. The process of releasing these muscle tissues is called frenectomy. In today's laser technology, the frenectomy procedure can be easily performed without bleeding in a short time with maximum patient comfort.
Frenectomy (lip, tongue ligament) Treatments:
Frenulum, muscle tissues can cause gum recessions by limiting aesthetic procedures. However, it can even cause gaps between teeth. The process of releasing these muscle tissues is called frenectomy. In today's laser technology, the frenectomy procedure can be easily performed without bleeding in a short time with maximum patient comfort.
Gingiva Recession Treatments (Connective Tissue / Free Gingival Tissue Grafts):